八ヶ岳と周辺の植物(季節順) Plants in the Yatsugatake Area
4月11-20日 April 11-20
ツルネコノメソウ (尾白川渓谷) 2020.4.19
Cheysosplenium flagelirferum (Ojiragawa) |
カツラ雌花 (諏訪湖) 2019.4.16
Female flowers of Cercidiphyllum japonicum (Suwa Lake) |
カツラ雄花 (諏訪湖) 2019.4.16
Male flowers of Cercidiphyllum japonicum (Suwa Lake) |
ウリカエデ (山麓) 2015.4.18
Acer crataegifolium (foot of mountain) |
シュンラン (山麓) 2015.4.18
Cymbidium goeringii (foot of mountain) |
ウグイスカグラ (山麓) 2015.4.18
Lonicera graciplipes var. glabra (foot of mountain) |
クサボケ (山麓) 2015.4.18
Male's Quince Chaenomeles japonica (foot of mountain) |
ヤマガラ (尾白川渓谷) 2020.4.19
Varied Tit Porus varius (Ojiragawa) |
ルリタテハ (山麓) 2008.4.15
Kaniska canase (foot of mountain) |
ベニシジミ (山麓) 2017.4.19
Lycaena phlaeas (foot of mountain) |